my offer to you...

8 Weeks of Private Coaching

✨ Discover tools to cope with emotional turmoil & the challenges of life

✨ Resolve inner conflict & resentment

✨ Understand how to go from victim to empowered

✨ Learn to interrupt your patterns & take control of you life that you can create lasting healing, and live a life filled with joy and purpose.

Meet Your Coach

Hi, I'm Sandy

My life's biggest hurts struck one after the other, and when I least expected it.

It started here:

I was settling into my role as grandmother, my youngest child was in high school, my parents and brother lived 3 minutes away, I adored my husband and we were living incredibly comfortably working on building our business together.

My life was perfect. Sure I had challenges, but I was happy and had the strength and support to rise to them.

My world turned upside down when my husband decided he was done with our marriage, and left me. Around the same time, my father passed away suddenly. My daughter had a brain tumor. My mother was diagnosed with cancer. Then in the middle of the Covid pandemic, my brother passed. Four months later, my sweet mother passed in the same room.

My life was a mess. I didn't have the strength to go to battle every day. I didn't have the support I once did. For months, I sat in my grief and my pain, clinging to life for my daughter who was still at home, and my other children and grandchildren.

I needed help.

I was not actively looking for a grief coach - I'd already done therapy. But my children were worried about me and my daughter recommended I meet with someone for a discovery call, and immediately I could see the benefit.

That 12-week program with a grief coach changed my entire outlook on life. It helped me learn the skills I needed to grow resilient, resolve the resentment, overcome guilt, and truly heal my heart.

I feel so blessed!

Now, I help others who are feeling stuck in grief, resentment or guilt after life-altering loss.

After life-altering loss...

You Can Restart Your Life

Your mood isn't the only thing that suffers after life-altering loss.

Your relationships suffer.

Your social life suffers.

Your mindset suffers.
Your health suffers.

Your family suffers.

But here's the good news...

The most important, defining moments of our lives happen after the suffering!

You can rebuild your life and relationships,

You can regain your strength and confidence,

You can become open to possibilities.

And you can start today!

Our program is structured to help you learn from a compassionate guide while also working independently through the week to make the most of what you learn. A Certified HOPE Grief Coach will help you shift your mindset and energy, using the 5 fundamentals of grief and the HOPE formula for healing that have been perfected over the years, working with hundreds of people around the world.

Healing, health, and happiness are in store. Why wait?

my offer to you...

8 Weeks of Private Coaching

✨ Discover skills to cope with emotional turmoil & the challenges of life

✨ Resolve inner conflict & let go of the weight of resentment

✨ Honor your grief while fostering a healing mindset

✨ Learn to nurture your heart & mind (self care) that you can create lasting healing, and live a life filled with joy and purpose.

If you feel this...

"I don't have time or energy to add anything onto my plate."

With the amount of emotional energy it takes when you grieve, added to everything else you already do, -- adding another thing is overwhelming. I get that!

This program was created with this challenge in mind, with flexible weekly one-on-one Zoom meetings and minimal time during the week to read and do some inner healing, as you implement the concepts you learn.

One of my greatest barriers to getting help after my divorce was not wanting to talk about my feelings with anybody, let alone a stranger.

Luckily, I've structured my program to serve people like me and you. Our sessions are designed so that you only have to share what you're comfortable with. And even if you're silent, you will still grow from each session.

"I don't want to trust a stranger with my problems."

"I've already been to therapy & really don't want a coach."

I didn't think I needed it either. I thought I was healed. Even my therapist said so.

Until one day while visiting my son, I offended him. I got a pit in my stomach when a good friend invited me over to dinner. And I when I had to be in a room with my ex-husband, I went through 7 different outfits and a panic attack. I was far from my best self.

Here are my thoughts: 8 weeks is a relatively short time. Even if you don't really want to do it, or don't think you need it, you're not really losing out. It's a small sacrifice. The time is going to pass, so why not accelerate your healing.

Make the decision today, you'll never have to wonder if you should have done it.

... I've got you.

Maybe you feel like...

"I don't have time or energy to add anything onto my plate."

With the amount of emotional energy it takes when you grieve, added to everything else you already do, -- adding another thing is overwhelming. I get that!

This program was created with this challenge in mind, with flexible weekly one-on-one Zoom meetings and minimal time during the week to read and do some inner healing, as you implement the concepts you learn.

"I don't want to trust a stranger with my problems."

One of my greatest barriers to getting help after my divorce was not wanting to talk about my feelings with anybody, let alone a stranger.

Luckily, I've structured my program to serve people like me and you. Our sessions are designed so that you only have to share what you're comfortable with. And even if you're silent, you will still grow from each session.

"I've already been to therapy & really don't want a coach."

I didn't think I needed it either. I thought I was healed. Even my therapist said so.

Until one day while visiting my son, I offended him. I got a pit in my stomach when a good friend invited me over to dinner. And I when I had to be in a room with my ex-husband, I went through 7 different outfits and a panic attack. I was far from my best self.

Here are my thoughts: 8 weeks is a relatively short time. Even if you don't really want to do it, or don't think you need it, you're not really losing out. It's a small sacrifice. The time is going to pass, so why not accelerate your healing.

Make the decision today, you'll never have to wonder if you should have done it.

healing is possible

After life-altering loss...

You Can Restart Your Life

Your mood isn't the only thing that suffers after life-altering loss.

Relationships suffer.

Social life suffers.

Mindset suffers.
Health suffers.

Your family suffers.

But here's the good news...

The most important, defining moments of our lives happen after the suffering!

You can...

Rebuild your life and relationships,

Regain your strength and confidence,

Become open to possibilities,

And you can start today!

Our program is structured to help you learn from a compassionate guide while also working independently during the week to make the most of what you learn.

Your Certified H.O.P.E. Grief Coach (Sandy) will help you shift your mindset and energy, using the 5 fundamentals of grief and the H.O.P.E. Model of Healing that have been perfected over the years, working with hundreds of people around the world.

Healing, health, and happiness are in store. Why wait?

Meet Your Coach

Hi, I'm Sandy

My life's biggest hurts struck one after the other, and when I least expected it.

It started here:

I was settling into my role as grandmother, my youngest child was in high school, my parents and brother lived 3 minutes away, I adored my husband and we were living incredibly comfortably working on building our business together.

My life was perfect. Sure I had challenges, but I was happy and had the strength and support to rise to them.

My world turned upside down when my husband decided he was done with our marriage, and left me. Around the same time, my father passed away suddenly. My daughter had a brain tumor. My mother was diagnosed with cancer. Then in the middle of the Covid pandemic, my brother passed. Four months later, my sweet mother passed in the same room.

My life was a mess. I didn't have the strength to go to battle every day. I didn't have the support I once did. For months, I sat in my grief and my pain, clinging to life for my daughter who was still at home, and my other children and grandchildren.

I needed help.

I was not actively looking for a grief coach - I'd already done therapy. But my children were worried about me and my daughter recommended I meet with someone for a discovery call, and immediately I could see the benefit.

That coaching program with a grief coach changed my entire outlook on life. It helped me learn the skills I needed to grow resilient, resolve the resentment, overcome guilt, and truly heal my heart.

I feel so blessed!

Now, I help others who are feeling stuck in grief, resentment or guilt after life-altering loss.

What you'll get

8 Weeks Grieving-to-Healing Program

Your grief coach will use her expertise and intuition to customize your experience to meet your needs and goals.

8 weeks of...

The 8 one-on-one sessions

will be virtual meetings to allow the

flexibility to best meet your needs.

I honor your courage to be vulnerable

and take the steps forward to heal

and progress through this time of grief.

delivered to you...

Our workbook will take you


through the steps of healing.

Over the 8 weeks, you will

learn skills, gain understanding,

resolve internal conflict, reflect and grow, and become empowered to

rebuild your identity!

you'll learn...

Grief is Heavy.

And inner Conflict is even Heaver!

As you begin to learn about the

myths of grief and truths of healing,

You'll develop greater self compassion and emotional resilience.

You will find the strength and skills needed to resolve internal conflicts and turmoil.

In doing this, you will finally feel free.

There is so much love, joy, and fulfillment waiting up ahead.

Keep looking up, you'll see it!

What you'll get in our

8-Week Coaching Program

Note: Your grief coach will use her expertise and intuition to customize your experience to meet your needs and goals.

8 weeks of

Private Consulting

The 8 one-on-one sessions

will be virtual meetings to allow the

flexibility to best meet your needs.

I honor your courage to be vulnerable

and take the steps forward to heal

and progress through this time of healing.

you'll learn the

5 Fundamentals of Growth

The first step is self-compassion. Grief can feel overwhelming and learning effective copying skills is crucial.

As you come to understand grief, you'll be empowered to shift your mindset in the healing process.

Discovering the power of our mind and our ability to heal is part of the process that will help you grow.

Part of this journey involves acknowledging and resolving internal conflicts that stem from past relationships and losses. By doing so, you'll find the strength to let go, forgive, and move forward with your life.

Beyond the pain lies a future filled with love, joy, purpose, and fulfillment. I'm here to support you every step of the way as you embrace this journey of transformation.

There is so much love, joy, purpose, and fulfillment ahead as you move forward with your life.

delivered to you

Healing Workbook & Journal

The workbook will take you chapter-by-chapter

through the steps of healing.

Over the 8 weeks, you will learn skills,

gain understanding,

resolve internal conflict,

reflect and grow,

and be empowered to

rebuild your life

full of joy and fulfillment.


To learn the fundamentals of healing, a 140-page workbook,

and 8 private coaching calls, enroll by end of the month and get the

Emotional Resilience Workshop and Workbook for FREE.

Webinar Coupon Code (HEALING25) for 25% off, good through the end of the month.


one payment of


get started today.


2 payments* of


*credit card will be charged 4 weeks after initial payment

Enroll by the end of the month and get the Emotional Resilience Workshop and Workbook for FREE.

A simple breakdown of

8 Weeks of Coaching

Hire A Grief Coach

Learn the fundamentals of healing,

a 140-page workbook,

and 8 private coaching calls.


one payment of


get started today!


2 payments* of


*credit card charged 4 weeks after initial payment.

Discount codes will be applied to payment plans.

NOTE: Enroll by September 1, 2024 and get the Emotional Resilience Workshop and Workbook for FREE.

Got Questions?

Book A Call With Us!

This free call will help us see if we're a good fit. You can ask all your questions at this time, and learn more about the program from Sandy, herself!

What to Expect From Grief Coaching

Our 8 week program will provide you with ample support and resources. Your grief coach will customize your plan based on your needs and availability.

You'll receive private, flexible coaching with weekly virtual meetings and email/text support.

The curriculum we use is powerful. It is called The H.O.P.E. Model of Healing, and is the best grief-informed healing curriculum designed, tested and proven to help grow out of grief and rebuild life after great loss.

During your time with us, you will have a safe, confidential place to unpack your emotions with a certified coach who can provide constructive, gentle guidance.

You'll also receive a workbook/journal in the mail shortly after signing up - this will provide additional instruction and insightful journal prompts that will accelerate your healing.

Most importantly, you will learn tools and gain new skills to help you understand and resolve inner conflict. These skills will continue to bless you throughout your life so that you can find peace, joy and lasting happiness.

It's okay to not be okay right now. But you don't want to stay there. Healing is possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

"Can I afford this?"

Private coaching is not designed to be long term, like other treatments like psychotherapy, medication, etc. Our 8 week program gets you to a place of healing with tools and new skills that can last a lifetime. This means it costs more upfront than a typical outpatient copay.

That said, even our clients with a tight budget have found the treatment worth the cost, due to the energy, productivity and lasting joy they experience.

It can be hard to balance quality of life against your budget. For that reason, I offer payment plans with ZERO interest. If this still does not work for you, please take full advantage of my free resources, found on Facebook and Instagram @sandtoglasscoaching.

If you have experienced loss recently, or not so recently, and are feeling...

...stuck, isolated, unable to enjoy quality time with loved ones, disengaged from socializing, feeling anger resentment or distrust, or feeling numb, you may be experiencing hidden grief.

If you are willing to work on it, one compassionate step at a time, you are welcome in this program.

"Am I right for this program?"

"Does she only focus on divorce?"

Because divorce is common, people often think it should be easy to pick up and move on. After experiencing my own tragic divorce, I didn't find it at all easy. That's why I emphasize divorce in my branding.

However, the healing tools I promote can help people who are recovering from all kinds of loss. This could include death, divorce, pet loss, infertility, and all other kinds of loss.

Clients have said:

"All of the horizons of my life are opening up again. I know that healing is truly possible. For anyone who has experienced loss yourself, I would say, talk to Sandy and give her the opportunity to walk that road with you."

- Jenny H

"My wounds were so big. I was paralyzed with grief.

I was struggling to function and didn't know how to move forward.

Sandy helped me when I needed it most."

- Kristine Z

"Do these methods work?"

"How long does it take to see results?"

When I went through my healing journey, I noticed changes starting with the first phone call. Everyone's experience is different, but most clients feel relief after just 1 or 2 sessions.

I only see 5-6 clients a week, which means my time and availability is limited. During our consultation call, I will let you know if there is a wait-time or if I'm available to start immediately.

I would highly recommend selecting a time to chat soon, so we can get started at a time that works for both of us.

"How soon can you start?"

Frequently Asked Questions

"Can I afford this?"

Private coaching is not designed to be long term, like other treatments like psychotherapy, medication, etc. Our 8 week program gets you to a place of healing with tools and new skills that can last a lifetime. This means it costs more upfront than a typical outpatient copay.

That said, even our clients with a tight budget have found the treatment worth the cost, due to the energy, productivity and lasting joy they experience.

It can be hard to balance quality of life against your budget. For that reason, I offer payment plans with ZERO interest. If this still does not work for you, please take full advantage of my free resources, found on Facebook and Instagram @sandtoglasscoaching.

"Am I right for this program?"

If you have experienced loss recently, or not so recently, and are feeling...

...stuck, isolated, unable to enjoy quality time with loved ones, disengaged from socializing, feeling anger resentment or distrust, or feeling numb, you may be experiencing hidden grief.

If you are willing to work on it, one compassionate step at a time, you are welcome in this program.

Still not sure? Book a free call to ask more questions.

"Does she only focus on divorce?"

Because divorce is common, people often think it should be easy to pick up and move on. After experiencing my own tragic divorce, I didn't find it at all easy. That's why I emphasize divorce in my branding.

However, the healing tools I promote can help people who are recovering from all kinds of loss. This could include death, divorce, pet loss, infertility, and all other kinds of loss.

"Do these methods work?"

Clients have said:

"I am so grateful to say that I have come through to a place of joy and appreciation. All of the horizons of my life are opening up again. I know that healing is truly possible. For anyone who has experienced loss yourself, I would say, talk to Sandy and give her the opportunity to walk that road with you."

- Jenny H

"I am so thankful for your loving kindness and ministering to me. My wounds were so big, I was paralyzed. You helped me when I needed it most."

- Kristine Z

"How long does it take to see results?"

When I went through my healing journey, I noticed changes starting with the first phone call. Everyone's experience is different, but most clients feel relief after just 1 or 2 weeks.

"How soon can you start?"

I only see 3-4 clients a month, which means my time and availability is extremely limited. During our consultation call, I will let you know if there is a wait-time or if I'm available to start immediately.

Even if your need is not urgent, I would highly recommend selecting a time to chat soon, so we can get started at a time that works for both of us.

* virtual hug *

* virtual hug *

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