Get Lifetime Access to our Resilience Workshop for only $20, today!

Learn the Essential Tools To:

🔥 Regain control over your emotions
(don't let emotions control you)

🔥 Remain productive while fatigued/overwhelmed
(it doesn't have to be one or the other)

🔥 Make decisions based on values & goals
(not your mood)

Get Lifetime Access to our Resilience Workshop for only $20 today!

Learn the Essential Tools To:

🔥 Regain control over your emotions
(don't let emotions control you)

🔥 Remain productive while fatigued/overwhelmed
(it doesn't have to be one or the other)

🔥 Make decisions based on values & goals
(not your mood)

Complete your One-Time $20 Payment

To Access Training

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The Cold Hard Truth About Stress

Stress is a good thing! There - I said it!

It's what keeps us movin' and groovin' through life.

It helps us discern the path we should take, avoid rejection and pain.

Stress is the body's way of keeping us safe.

But like any good thing, stress can become unhealthy, real fast!

In your body it looks like this: Increase cortisol and other stress hormones, decreased blood flow to brain and organs, unable to breathe deeply, impaired cognitive function, heightened emotional responses to stimuli.

Have you experienced this?

When that happens, life looks like this:

❌ makes health choices based on mood

disrupted sleeping patterns

❌ becomes reactive & over-sensitive

❌ chronic fatigue

❌ unable to focus / unproductive

❌ feels overstimulated

❌ isolates or avoids contact with people

If you have can check 2-3 of these boxes at any given moment, YOU need the benefits of resilience practice!

Resilience: A Stress Alternative

Resilience improves your emotional capacity to be flexible and endure challenges and is an antidote to chronic stress.

When you are resilient, your life looks like this:

🩷 you feel your emotions but they do not control you

🩶 tasks that feel overwhelming at first become easier as you work through them

🩷 you respond to situations with composure

🩶 you make choices based on your values and goals

🩷 you sleep and eat reasonably well

🩶 you remain present and actively pursue goals

In your body, it looks like this: Reduced cortisol production, widening of arteries to improve blood flow to brain and organs, oxygen to brain for critical thinking, higher metabolization of stress hormones, deep breaths, higher levels of cognitive function and logical thinking.

But this change doesn't happen overnight..

Growing Your Resilience Muscle

Like a muscle needs resistance and hard work to grow stronger,

resilience is a practice that grows with consistent effort.

As you practice resilience,

stress will begin to work in your favor,

your tolerance for challenges will increase, &

you will endure challenges with grace and gratitude

The stress that used to foster chaos in your life,

will instead motivate growth, and inspire movement.

Turn Stress into Your Superpower!

Resilience lessons that you learn and apply will quite literally change the outcome and feeling of your life.

As well as the lives of those close to you (partner, children, close friends).

Learn to Train Your Mind and Body to Become Resilient Today!

It takes one click to access the training

1. Fill out the credit card information below for your one-time $20 payment

2. Click "Complete Order"

2. That's it - watch the workshop at your leisure

(Plus, check your email for a bonus pdf

20 easy ways to start your healing journey today)

I'm Sandy, Your Instructor

When tragedy struck my life, I was unprepared.

The stress from my divorce, and deaths of both my parents and brother felt unbearable.

Coping skills I'd collected over the years (i.e. overeating, isolating from friends and family, sleeping for hours, relying on my husband for my comfort) weren't going to cut it.

Not for the long term.

For many months, the stress overwhelmed my body and mind, taking me to the lowest point I've ever experienced.

When I started learning about emotional resilience is when things started changing. I learned, I can choose resilience. I am capable. I can recover from painful experiences.

Instead of changing my circumstances, I was learning skills that increase my capacity to withstand life's challenges.

Today as a certified grief coach, I teach you to do the same.

What You'll Get In This $20 Training

Defining Resilience

Zones of Emotional Regulation

How To Get Unstuck

Sensory & Breathing Exercises

Positive Self-talk + Affirmations

Emotional Self Regulation

Healthy Journaling Practices

Setting Personal Boundaries

What You'll Get In This $20 Training



Zones of



How To



Sensory & Breathing



Self-talk +











Frequently Asked Questions

"What are the coping skills she covers in her workshop?"

Sandy touches on many things in her resilience workshop. Some of the specific tools she covers include: mindset, breath work, meditation, journaling, movement and affirmations.

"Why do I need to fill out my email and phone number?"

I get it - we just met and you're skeptical to give me your information.

That's totally understandable. Please know I will not sell your information, or do anything like it.

Once you sign up, I will send you a link in your email and/or phone number with 24/7 access to the trainings so that you can view them now or later. You are welcome to unsubscribe from communications at any time.

"Do these methods work?"

Because divorce is common, people often think it should be easy to pick up and move on. After experiencing my own tragic divorce, I didn't find it at all easy. That's why I emphasize divorce in my branding.

However, the healing tools I promote can help people who are recovering from other kinds of loss. This could include death, divorce, pet loss, infertility and all other kinds of loss.

"Do these methods work?"

Clients have said:

"I am so grateful to say that I have come through to a place of joy and appreciation. All of the horizons of my life are opening up again. I know that healing is truly possible. For anyone who has experienced loss yourself, I would say, talk to Sandy and give her the opportunity to walk that road with you."

- Jenny H

"I am so thankful for your loving kindness and ministering to me. My wounds were so big, I was paralyzed. You helped me when I needed it most."

- Kristine Z

"What do you get for your $20 payment?"

The training is pre-recorded, similar to an online course. The content is taken from live seminars Sandy has delivered to several different audiences. It is 40-minute workshop with information about resilience and actionable steps to take today.

This registration also comes with a free workbook in PDF form, sent directly to your email.

* virtual hug *

Frequently Asked Questions

"What are the coping skills she covers in her workshop?"

Sandy touches on many things in her resilience workshop. Some of the specific tools she covers include: mindset, breath work, meditation, journaling, movement and affirmations.

I get it - we just met and you're skeptical to give me your information.

That's totally understandable. Please know I will not sell your information, or do anything like it.

Once you sign up, I will send you a link in your email and/or phone number with 24/7 access to the trainings so that you can view them now or later. You are welcome to unsubscribe from communications at any time.

"Why do I need to fill out my email and phone number?"

"Do these methods work?"

Clients have said:

"I am so grateful to say that I have come through to a place of joy and appreciation. All of the horizons of my life are opening up again. I know that healing is truly possible. For anyone who has experienced loss yourself, I would say, talk to Sandy and give her the opportunity to walk that road with you."

- Jenny H

"I am so thankful for your loving kindness and ministering to me. My wounds were so big, I was paralyzed. You helped me when I needed it most."

- Kristine Z

The training is pre-recorded, similar to an online course. The content is taken from live seminars Sandy has delivered to several different audiences. It is 40-minute workshop with information about resilience and actionable steps to take today.

This registration also comes with a free workbook in PDF form, sent directly to your email.

"What do you get for your $20 payment?"

* virtual hug *

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